Dolly May is an inquisitive and bright little girl who lives with her Grandma. Grandma Majji has the best games and, with her help, she encourages Dolly May and her friends to dream big and achieve all that they desire.
Dolly May is an inquisitive and bright little girl.
She lives at the top of Mount Olive in the beautiful Island of Jamaica with her Grandma Majji.
Dolly and her friends love to play in Grandma Majji’s mystical garden.
Grandma Majji has the best games and, with her help, she encourages them to dream big and achieve all that they desire. Through teaching them about the achievements of positive role models of the past, she shows them that they too can become anything they want to be from becoming a deep-sea diver to an astronaut. There is no limit to their imagination!
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